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IFA SPECIAL – SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness + SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness

SIS30321 & SIS40221

Get qualified with the

Certificate III & Certificate IV in Fitness

Huge Savings with our EOFY Sale Event – $2,290 payable over 18 Months!

Buy A Certificate III in Fitness course and get 50% off the Certificate IV in Fitness PLUS get a free Kettlebell or SMR course and an Under Armour Gift Pack!

AUD $121.72 / month for 18 months with a AUD $99.00 deposit



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Combined SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness & SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness

International Fitness Academy

The essential fitness professional.

These are the two essential courses you need to get started as a Personal Trainer – packaged together for your convenience.

If you want to work while you study, then this is the qualification for you. Using your SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness, you can work as a gym instructor or gym club manager while you continue to study the SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness to become a complete fitness professional.

Combined SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness & SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness

Want to learn more about the courses?

Download our SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness course guides.

So you want to become a Personal Trainer?

SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness & SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness - Combined

First things first, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you love the benefits of working out?
  • Is health and fitness a big part of your life?
  • Are you a people-person?
  • Do you like helping people reach their own personal fitness goals?
  • Are you intrigued by the human body and the way it works?

If you answered yes to these questions, then you’re right to be considering a career in personal training. If you can easily add to this list with your own personal passions, successes and experiences, then you’re definitely in the right state of mind and in the right place to be considering personal training as a career.

IFA - Who is a Personal Trainer?

Who is a Personal Trainer?

A personal trainer is a health and fitness professional who possesses the knowledge, skills and abilities to conduct safe and effective exercise that is personal to the client’s fitness goals.

A personal trainer develops goal-oriented fitness programs, instructs and coaches, mentors and assists people in their desire to reach and sustain an improved level of fitness.

IFA - Who is a Personal Trainer?

Course Overview

This online course can provide you with the knowledge and skill to competently deliver and instruct a variety of exercise programs in fitness centres or outdoor environments. Training with IFA Training can prepare you to work with individual clients or small groups, with skill levels ranging from beginner and intermediate through to advanced. The course platform is online and gives you 24/7 access. You will also have available assistance from trained industry professionals within business hours 8am – 4pm.

The SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness qualification can provide you with the knowledge and skills to competently deliver and instruct a variety of exercise programs in a group setting.

This qualification reflects the role of personal trainers who have specialist skills to train individual clients, or groups of clients, on a one-on-one or group basis, to improve health-related components of fitness.

IFA - Combined Course Timeframe

Course Timeframe

IFA Training’s flexible study options allow students 24/7 access to the online portal, preparing them for the workforce faster than ever before.

Students have up to 12 months from the point of their enrolment to complete all their study requirements, including assessments.

SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness and SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness will give you the skills and knowledge to kick-start your career as a …

IFA - qualify as a Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer

IFA - qualify as a Gym Instructor

Gym Instructor

IFA - qualify as an Assistant Trainer

Assistant Trainer

IFA - Be a specialised childrens trainer

Specialised Children’s Trainer

IFA - Be a specialised aged trainer

Specialised Aged Trainer

IFA - qualify as an Administration Officer

Administration Officer

IFA - qualify as a Fitness & Diet Coordinator

Fitness and Diet Plan Coordinator

IFA - qualify as a Gym Club Manager

Gym Club Manager

IFA - qualify as a Fitness Sales Consultant

Sales Consultant

SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness & SIS40215 Certificate IV in Fitness - Combined

Course Competencies SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness

Entry to this qualification is open to individuals who hold a current first aid and CPR certificate and have been recognised as competent through a recognised training program or recognition process against the following units of competency.

  • HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
  • SISFFIT032 Complete pre-exercise screening and service orientation
  • SISFFIT033 Complete client fitness assessments
  • SISFFIT035 Plan group exercise sessions
  • SISFFIT036 Instruct group exercise sessions
  • SISFFIT040 Develop and instruct gym-based exercise programs for individual clients
  • SISFFIT047 Use anatomy and physiology knowledge to support safe and effective exercise
  • SISFFIT052 Provide healthy eating information
  • BSBPEF301 Organise personal work priorities
  • BSBOPS304 Deliver and monitor a service to customers
  • HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
  • SISXFAC002 Maintain sport, fitness and recreation facilities
  • SISXFIN002 Process financial transactions
  • SISSSCO007 Apply sport psychology principles
  • SISXIND010 Protect children and young people

Course Competencies SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness

  • CHCCOM006  Establish and manage client relationships
  • SISFFIT041  Develop personalised exercise programs
  • SISFFIT042  Instruct Personalised exercise sessions
  • SISFFIT043  Develop and instruct personal program body comp
  • SISFFIT044  Develop and instruct programs for older clients
  • SISFFIT045  Develop and instruct personalised exercise programs for adolescent clients
  • SISFFIT049  Use exercise science principles in fitness instruction
  • SISFFIT050  Support exercise behaviour change
  • SISFFIT051  Establish and maintain professional practice for fitness instruction
  • SISFFIT053  Support healthy eating for individual fitness
  • SISXCAI010  Develop strength and conditioning programs
  • SISXCAI009  Instruct strength and conditioning techniques
  • SISFFIT034  Assess client movement and provide exercise advice
  • BSBESB301  Investigate business opportunities
  • BSBESB401  Research and develop business plans
  • BSBESB402  Legal and risk management
  • SIRXSLS001 – Sell to the retail customer
International Fitness Academy

Not 100% sure on what's involved with the online training course? Try a demo of the system first to make sure it's right for you!

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